We had a mostly enjoyable weekend here that started on Friday with us trying dinner at a new found Mexican place called Margarita Phils. It has been recently re-opened and I think Chris was in a bit of heaven finding a Mexican restaurant up to his standards on the island. So that was a fruitful evening!
Saturday, we spent a very relaxing day close to home at the pool. I, as usual, put on my regular sunscreen and set out to lay in the sun for a few hours. Chris joined me for a quick hour, also lathering up his regular sunscreen. Later on that day, as we got ready for our next excursion to the Blues Fest over in St. John, Chris noticed that I was a bit red and chided me for not applying sunscreen and refused to believe me when I insisted I was quite responsible. But don't fear for my integrity, I was proven to be telling the truth when, later on that evening, Chris' skin had that unmistakeable red glow of a sunburn. Moral of this story- that Caribbean sun can get you anytime! It's tricky and even when you think you have got it figured out, it throws you a curveball. Visitors beware!
Since our sunburns were more bark than bite, we did not feel any pain as we enjoyed the rest of the day over in St. John. Chris took me to the world famous happy hour over at Woody's and then we headed to one of our favorites, the Beach Bar, for a quick dinner. Onto the the Blues Festival over at Coral Bay in St. John. It was a very well put together show and we enjoyed a few different blues bands, our favorite being "Trampled Underfoot". As it got a bit later, we opted for the 2nd to last ferry home so as not to deal with the crowds, and we were on our way.
Sunday was originally deemed a day to find Stumpy's beach (yes, we were going to try again) and another widely endorsed beach called Lindquist, but our plans were foiled due to a residual sunburn on Chris' part. I dared the pool again, since my burn had turned to tan, but found I, too, was a bit gun shy by the scorching sun and retired to the house to do some chores.
We'll be facing the sun again with stronger sunscreen and smiles this next weekend when Jimmy and Monique come to visit the island- yay!!!!! And, as we send them off, my parents will be coming next day and followed by Chris' parents just a few days later. You may not hear from me for a while, but I am sure I will have blog enough for everyone after that stint!
On the work note, I have to say I am so happy to have something consistant to fill my days and give me a bit extra cash. I truly, truly enjoyed last weekend since my free time felt earned, and not a given.
Bye for now and hugs for everyone!