The Birthday Boy

We're thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery mom!!
This has been an exciting week. First, my mom had her big knee replacement operation on Thursday (all went well and now it will be, hopefully, a quick road to recovery) and then today is Chris’ birthday. Woo-hoo!
This weekend we are staying close to home. It is Carnival here and we might just brave the masses to get a taste of the celebrations. As for the big 34th birthday, I started it with Chris’ favorite breakfast, pancakes, and tried to hold out on giving him his presents, but I am not very good at that. So, by 9:30am, I already gave him both. His “small” gift was just a t-shirt he’s been eyeing. If you knew the state of most of his t-shirts and his pickiness in finding ones he likes, you would understand why I jumped at the chance to get this one.
His main gift was a framed “accurately portrayed” map of the Virgin Islands. He’s been wanting one for when “we” finish painting the living room, but it had to be “accurate”. Which, no biggee, right? Wouldn’t maps be accurate, you say? Answer: No. Most ones we ran across were more for show and, for some reason, that means taking artistic license in portraying the sizes and placements of the islands. Now, I’ll let you in on a secret. Chris doesn’t know this (well, unless he reads this), that what makes this gift even more special is that there were a gazillion “inaccurate maps” that would go PERFECTLY with our colors here and would match everything and looked really cool. But this “accurate” map that he had at one point mentioned was exactly the kind he wanted, does not go with the color scheme and that practically kills me. But it is so worth it because he was very happy when he opened it this morning and declared it the “perfect map”.
As for the rest of the day, Chris is painting right now. I need to go make him stop. I told him no housework on his bday, but he overruled me by saying that since it’s his birthday, he gets to do what he wants. But he promised only a little. Soooo, I am off now to rip that brush out of his hand and insist he relax. Wish me luck. As for birthday dinner, tonight, I cook him oscar-style filet, and it sounds like he’s excited.
If we make it to Carnival, I promise photos sometime this week!!! Only a couple of more posts and I’ll be able to keep you up to date in person. Until then, much love and hugs!!!!!