Sugar Cane

The overrated rum distillery
Okay, I might as well get this over with and begin where we left off. I contemplated leaving this part out of the blog, but I deserve to be shamed. So, my much anticipated trip to Jost van Dyke for work was to be last Friday. I kept hearing how fun of a “work” day it is for staff and was eager to see for myself. Proudly, a few nights before my trip, I stowed my passport in with my binder since Jost is in the British Virgin Islands and I didn’t want to forget my passport. Well, lo and behold, on Friday morning the Captain asked for my passport to gather my information and I pulled it out and opened it up to… Chris’ very cute, but not necessarily what I wanted to see, face. Yup, I grabbed his passport since I recently had decided to store his in the same place as mine. After a short deliberation on whether I should go to the beach until 4:30pm to avoid admitting my mistake to Chris, or to go home with my tail between my legs, I decided I did not deserve beach and went home. Fortunately, my superior was very understanding and assured me that we all do that at some point and actually felt bad for me.
So, Jost was not to be. Another time, I suppose. After that, our weekend was very enjoyable. We skipped on over to Tortola to see what the BVIs (British Virgin Islands) have to offer. We had a very lovely day checking out different beaches and driving the island. We were told that there was this neat rum tour on the island and we figured we'd check it out, expecting an hour or two tour. After locating the distillery, we spent a whole 5 minutes on the "tour"- this consisted in walking into the only room around and getting a quick speech on how the rum is made and a few sentence history of the place. But we left with one bottle of spiced rum and a couple of pics more than what we came with. Later on in the evening, we went out to a nice dinner at a restaurant called the Sugar Mill. We stayed over in Tortola and enjoyed brunch and then made our way back to the ferry to go home. We think Tortola is beautiful and love it there, but have also realized you can do most of what you want to do on the island in one day. Any more time spent there should be in short excursions to the islands that are very close to see more sights
Once home, Chris caught up on some work and I started cooking some eggplant and chicken parmesan for our neighbors that live downstairs. It was our first “hosting” at our place and was casual and easy. Erin and Bill are younger, 24-25 yrs old, and are on the island since Erin works as a traveling nurse. They are fun and really nice and it was an enjoyable evening. It sure was nice to socialize.
So, that leaves us to another week on the island. Today I got to go on my first work excursion off island and enjoyed the day on St. John. I got to go on a tour of the island and then was in charge of the snorkeling group. It’s a tough job!
I finally heard from the wedding coordinating company. The main contact out in Miami called me on a different position. She offered me a part time to possible full time job in the main office on the island, since they are over-worked and they liked my experience/personality and was hoping I’d want to work on the planning portion. Unfortunately, they did not recall that I was leaving in May and this was more of a job that they want for someone more permanent. I am kind of bummed out because it would have been good experience, and a set weekly schedule, but it is not to be. However, I have to admit got a bit of an ego boost by how disappointed she was when I couldn’t accept the job. Anyway, she did say they were hoping to get me out in the field soon, so we’ll see what that means!
Well, that’s it for now. We have no big plans on the immidiate horizon. Our first guests arrive next week and we have some more household things to get done before. I will touch base when anything new and exciting happens.
Love you and miss you!