Us at Havana Blue- our new favorite restaurant!!!
I officially got back into the working world this week. I was placed on the "hospitality desk" for an incoming group of eager, excited and very happy sales people who earned this trip to St. Thomas. My office was the Ritz Carlton, with a view overlooking the infinity pool and blue green sea. Terrible! I was scheduled for 4 days as a person in training, to observe and not necessarily do much, since I had a coworker and the company only paid my employers for one person. I was able to learn a lot about local restaurants and places and did pitch in to help when it got busy (how could I possibly sit and not help, when none of the visiting guest knew I was merely there to observe?). By the fourth day, my "trainer" was out sick and I was on my own. Fortunately, it was a slow day and I made it through unscathed. I've heard that this role at the hospitality desk is one of the least sought out as it is boring and makes for a long day. True, but I can't complain. It was pleasant work! I do hope to get out and do some excursions with the job, but I am sure that will come soon enough.
On my first day (Saturday), my "trainer", Chastity, insisted that Chris and I try her favorite restaurant on the island, Havana Blue, since I mentioned we were looking to find a place to eat. We went, and it was delicious! Those that are here to visit may find that we recommend we go there one night. But, then again, there are many places we have yet to go.
This weekend has been deemed a play weekend for Chris and I, as we both worked last weekend. We are torn between visiting the British Virgin Island of Jost Van Dyke, widely known at the party island or "mischievous sibling" of the other islands or going to Virgin Gorda- where it's more beauty than booze.
The big draw to Jost is the Soggy Dollar Bar, named because they don't have a dock, so the guests swim ashore from their boats and buy drinks with their 'soggy dollars.' www.soggydollar.com
Or, we may go to Virgin Gorda, where you find the Baths- At The Baths, the beach shows evidence of the island's volcanic origins, as huge granite boulders lie in piles on the beach, forming scenic grottoes that are open to the sea. http://www.bareboatsbvi.com/virgin_gorda_the_baths.html
Stay tuned for a recap next week of where we ended up going!
I will be posting next pics of bedroom that I have promised for so long!
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