On Saturday, our friend and neighbor, Josh, told us about this off-the-beaten-path beach on the island that he wanted to show us and our other friends.. He wasn’t kidding. We could not have gotten there in our car or even our other neighbor’s SUV. We needed Josh’s all terrain “rock climber” jeep to get over some very rocky and dubious roads. The beach was pretty darn cool and, after the two mile decent on the less than ideal terrain, seemed to have the air of a possible horror movie. Take one deserted beach only reached by a long and somewhat inaccessible road, add in the 4 unmarked graves/headstones that we saw at the entrance and top that off with the shanty huts and miscellaneous old furniture that was strewn about the beach and, I’ll tell you the truth, I did NOT want to be there by nightfall. However, this beach was serene and virtually private. It was a gorgeous place to spend a few hours (of daylight). Unfortunately, I did not take enough pictures to do it justice, but I do have a few.
Other than that, all is well and pretty much status quo here. We have a friend who is staying in St. John coming here to spend the night on Friday, so we hope to show her a good time. Other than that, we are going to just go with the flow and see where the days take us.
Love you all and see you soon!

"Beautiful" enjoying a long walk on the beach

Random Furniture, but it does the trick!
I miss you beautiful - and you too Kasey!